Sunday, March 14, 2010

Adventure Time!

I'm visiting my sister and brother in law, Padraig for spring break! They live on a navy base in "Port Hueneme, California. Port Hueneme is like an hour west of LA. Today, my day started @ 9am. I had to drive home from Purdue, catch a bus from Portage to O'hare airport, and then had the privilege of sitting through a 2 hour delay. My flight was scheduled to take off at 6:40pm. I wanted to get to the airport with plenty of time, so I arrived at about 4:30. Unfortunately the east coast had some pretty bad storms, so my plane was delayed 2 hours arriving to o'hare. The flight didn't end up taking off until about 9pm. I did get a coupon for 10% off of my next flight anywhere within a year, so thats pretty cool.

I spent a lot of my 5 hours at the airport just wandering around. I figured that I would have the whole 4 hour flight to sit on my ass, so I did some exploring. I found this cool tunnel that went under the runway to connect terminal C to terminal B. It had a half mile of moving walkways in a tunnel, with some really neat neon lights on the celing. I also stopped in one of the bars and caught about 20 minutes of the Purdue Minnesota game (awful!) and looked wandered around some of the retail stores like oakley and an art/knickknack shop.

I was pretty excited that I booked a flight with continental. They were going to give me a free in flight meal and the bags were free to check. For some reason, I was switched to a United flight, so it would have cost an extra 48$ in bag checking frees, had I not packed light in a carry on, and a back pack. I ended up watching 1 episode of big bang theory on the flight, and then slept the remaining 3 hours.

Tonight, I got a tour of the house (which my sister did an awesome job decorating!) and played with the little mut before its time to crash. Night!


Beautiful Day in Chicago

Canadian Tuxedo!

Landing at LAX breaking the rules by taking pictures!

LAX @ 11:00pm

The Little Punk (And the big punk!)


Natalie Mikolajczak said...

Yay for airport adventure!

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